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Starring Jeffrey Ricca as John Wilkes Booth

“Bold, original, surreal, disturbing, thought-provoking and alarmingly funny, perhaps the most controversial musical ever written. This most American of musicals lays bare the lives of nine individuals who assassinated or tried to assassinate the President of the United States, in a one-act historical "revusical" that explores the dark side of the American experience. From John Wilkes Booth to Lee Harvey Oswald, Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman bend the rules of time and space, taking us on a nightmarish rollercoaster ride in which assassins and would-be assassins from different historical periods meet, interact and in an intense final scene inspire each other to harrowing acts in the name of the American Dream.”

Performs November 7th through 23rd @ TheBoxTheater (3635 Market Street)

Fridays @ 8:00pm, Saturdays @ 2:00pm & 8:00pm, Sundays @ 2:00pm

'Discounted tickets available via Goldstar' or when you use the code “G-U-N”

To purchase tickets, click on the following links: Riverside REP or Goldstar

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